Collecting Children From Matches

Home Matches

Children who finish their matches early are expected to stay to support the teams still playing matches. After all matches have finished, children will be taken back to school.

After matches, there may be a match tea with the opposition in the Dining Hall. All children playing in school teams are expected to accompany the opposition to tea and host the visiting school at the dining tables. Children should be encouraged to sit with the opposition at all times, and direct them where to collect/return trays and cutlery etc.

If there is no match tea, you may take your child directly from the field, provided you have informed the member of staff in charge of the team so that they can make a written note of who has been collected, by whom and at what time. NB: If your child is expected to stay for an after school club after a match and you choose to take them home instead, please ensure you inform the member of staff on duty at the front desk.

Away Matches

The member of staff in charge of teams playing away will always provide an estimated arrival time at St John’s on the team sheet. Should the estimated arrival time change significantly, a member of staff will notify the member of staff on duty at reception and wherever possible, arrange for an SMS alert to be sent. Please note that you must actively register to receive SMS alerts via the website and you can find instructions here:

You are permitted to take your child directly from the host venue following the conclusion of all matches and tea provided you have informed the member of staff in charge so that they can make a written note of who has been collected, by whom and at what time.

Collection from School after Fixtures

Children are allowed to leave school by their normal means of collection (e.g. walk, cycle, bus, etc.). Children who are normally collected from school and whose parents are not waiting should stay in North Drive where they will be supervised by a member of staff until you arrive. If children are still waiting 10 minutes after the published collection time they will be taken to wait in the Library with Senior House Waiters if before 5:30pm, between 5:30-6pm at Reception, between 6-6:30pm with the Boarding staff in the dining hall or thereafter in the Boarding House from where you can collect them. NB: If you are collecting your child after 6pm you will need to ring the Boarding House mobile number to call a member of staff to let you enter the site as at that time the keypad will be disabled and reception will not be staffed.  We recommend storing the Boarding House mobile number in your favourites to always have it to hand. The number is 07885 202086.

Collection of Children from School Matches (Cricket)

Most cricket matches are scheduled to finish at 6pm. Due to the nature of the game, the finishing time can vary and may sometimes finish significantly earlier than arranged. If this is the case, you may take your child at the end of their match. If you collect your child early please inform the member of staff in charge of the team so that they can make a written note of who has been collected, at what time and by whom.

Whenever possible, we will alert you by SMS of any significant changes to the finishing time and school will be informed. Upon arrival back at school, the procedure as outlined above (Collection from School after Fixtures) should be followed. Please note that you must actively register to receive SMS alerts via the website.