Eco Committee’s Allotment Harvest


The Eco Committee’s highly successful new allotment has given the children hands-on experience of the plant life-cycle and is helping to instil a love of gardening at an early age. Lettuces and carrots were harvested at the end of the summer term and potatoes and turnips have grown in abundance over the holidays, ready to be harvested at the start of the Michaelmas term. The Headmaster, Mr Kevin Jones, and other members of staff were the lucky recipients of samples of the allotment’s produce and the committee members were also able to take the vegetables home to share with their families.

The aim of the allotment is to create an area suitable for growing vegetables and plants for the benefit of the School and community, as well as to attract a range of different wildlife.  Eco Committee leader, Miss Rachel Brunning commented, “We were able to sell some of the lettuces and will use the money towards new seeds for next year. In the allotment we have been busy weeding and preparing the beds for winter. We will soon start work on the insect hotel so that insects have a place to shelter in the colder months.”

The Eco Committee, which planted and tended the allotment, was formed to encourage all children to consider the impact of their daily routines, and of the larger world around them, upon the environment. Through the work of the committee, the children’s and the school community’s awareness of environmental issues are enhanced and more responsible practices are put in place. Linking with their Science curriculum, the children are learning that through collaboration, research and action they can make a significant difference to their community.