We are concerned, as far as possible, to ensure that children travel securely and safely to and from School. We hope that the following measures are therefore necessary and helpful.
In the mornings, until we have received parental notification of a child’s absence, we cannot be absolutely sure that a child is safe and we should be very grateful for your help in closing a possible loophole here. It is essential, therefore, that you let us know by telephone or email if your child is unable to attend on a particular day. It is also essential that you please inform us if your child is not going to be attending a club or Waiters if they have been signed up for those after school activities.
With regard to planned absences, such as a visit to a school or a doctor’s appointment, please send an email request to the Head of the Junior Department for Byron House or the Assistant Head (Pastoral) for Senior House, as relevant, copying in the appropriate secretary (bhoffice@sjcs.co.uk or shoffice@sjcs.co.uk).
Registers are also taken for after school activities. If your child is due to stay for after school care or an extra-curricular activity and plans change, please contact Byron House or Senior House Reception as appropriate so that a note can be made on the registers. Any unexplained absences will be followed up.
We strongly discourage requests to take children out of School during term time for holidays or events which are not important or essential family occasions. Permission to be absent during term time for holidays or non-essential events must be obtained from the Head.