News list

The T1s (Year 1) visited the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) as part of their Antarctica topic. The tragic events of Captain Scott’s last expedition were made even more realistic for the children with a question and answer session with the famous explorer’s granddaughter, Dafila Scott, who is an artist in residence at the SPRI.
The Fourth Form has been learning about Sikhism since the beginning of term and had a wonderful opportunity to see so much of what they had been studying on a recent visit to the Cambridge Gurdwara, the first such visit made by St John's as there has been a Gurdwara in Cambridge for only two years.
‘Keep Calm and Curry On’. This was the theme of the PA’s Quiz and Curry evening for the event on 7 February which was a well-attended and fun event. 14 tables completed against each other in a challenging and entertaining quiz with Head of Drama, Mr Tim Clarke, hosting the evening as the fabulous quiz master adorned in gold jacket. Proceeds from the evening will go to local charity, The Prospects Trust.
St John’s First Form regaled an audience of parents and pupils with their performance of The Bumblesnouts Save the World, a musical comedy with a strong moral message. In their voyages across the universe, a team of Bumblesnouts (an alien life-form) make a return journey to earth, a planet renowned for its beauty, diverse climates and wildlife, but are dismayed to find that the human race (who is ‘thought to be the most intelligent’ species on the planet) is not looking after it properly: they encounter violent bullies who drop litter; cleaners who use
One of St John’s College School’s pupils, Andrew Knight, has qualified for the British National Dance Championship Finals this November in both the Ballroom and Latin solo section. Andrew, aged 10, amongst approximately 200 other competitors, danced the Quickstep (Ballroom) and the Cha Cha Cha (Latin) in the regional rounds to qualify for the finals at the prestigious Blackpool Tower Ballroom.
The children in Form 4 visited Stibbington Village near Peterborough and travelled back in time to the year 1896. Dressed in Victorian skirts and mop caps, or breeches and cloth caps, the young Victorians were given identities of children who actually went to Stibbington School during Queen Victoria’s era.
Form 6 pupils were eager to get their hands dirty and wade into the river, despite the heavy rain, when they visited Epping Forest Field Centre, a Special Area of Conservation. 
Our talented artists at both Byron House and Senior House have taken up the ‘Access Art’ Drawing challenge and have used a range of media to sketch different subject matter, from feathers to fish and owls. ‘Access Art’ is running an international Drawing Challenge from November 2014 to March 2015 with the aim of widening and reinforcing the children’s drawing skills and encouraging them to experiment with drawing materials.
Our Kindergarten indoor teaching area went through a transformation over the summer holidays and our newest pupils started their St John’s journey in September in newly designed, spacious classrooms.  The floor area of both classrooms has been doubled, creating open-plan teaching spaces with plenty of light, new furniture, bespoke storage and free access to outdoor spaces.
At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month St John’s fell silent to remember those who have given their lives in conflict and the centenary of the start of the First World War. Events took place throughout the school, including raising money for charity, special services, poppy installations, original artwork, poetry and musical compositions.