News list

St John's celebrated National Poetry Day 2024 with poet and spoken word artist, Kimba. Pupils from Kindergarten to Form 6 enjoyed his inspirational poetry workshops throughout this special day.
At the start of October, we opened our doors to prospective families at St John's for our inaugural Open Morning of the year, and the school truly shone in the bright sunshine.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu On Thursday our Kindergarten (Reception) children took their first step on their St John's journey and enjoyed their first morning of discovery, new friendships and what we hope will be a feeling of connection and belonging at our incredible school. This milestone day offered the children just a glimpse of the wonder-filled adventures ahead, setting the stage for countless discoveries waiting to unfold along their educational path at St John's.
The 2024 Girls’ U11 A hockey season got off to a flying start with a season opener at London's Olympic Park, led by Haileybury school’s Director of Hockey and former USA international, Mr Rob Schilling.
The Governors of St John’s College School are delighted to announce the appointment of Sarah Wright to succeed Neil Chippington as Head of St John’s College School from September 2025. Sarah was the unanimous choice of the Governors at the end of a highly competitive and rigorous process which attracted a strong field of applicants.  Sarah is currently the Principal Deputy Head at Haberdashers’ Girls’ School, prior to which she was Head of the Junior School.
During the Easter break a group of Forms 5 and 6 Geographers and Scientists set out to explore the wonders of Iceland. Iceland is an island which is located where the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans meet and was created by divergence at the Mid Atlantic Ridge. 'The Golden Circle' is a land full of volcanoes, glaciers, waterfalls, geysers, mud pools, jagged coastlines and other incredible geographical features, unmatched by any other place.
The annual House Cross Country Run for Forms 4 to 6 is a sporting event the children train for in their Games and PE lessons and combines the excitement of competing for their House, as well as the chance to run around the beautiful St John’s Playing Fields.
The performance of the Passion of Christ that closed the Lent term was accomplished by our talented Sixth Form year group. The play recalls the final days of Jesus’ life – from his entry into Jerusalem, to his crucifixion five days later – and all of the complex plotting, political side-stepping and betrayal that facilitated Jesus’ downfall. The Passion Play is a moving story that required a deep intensity and thoughtfulness, which the Sixth Form delivered. The production was performed to a predominantly standing audience and in a highly immersive way with the story unravelling all over the
Our Fifth Form performed Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat over two nights - a musical about the trials and triumphs of Joseph, Jacob's favourite son. The brightly coloured costumes, confetti cannons, a very impressive camel and a vibrant neon set inspired by the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and painted by the children and staff all added to the talent and boundless energy of the real stars of the show, our Fifth Form year group. The children impressed on stage with a plethora of catchy songs and complex choreography, alongside many memorable injections of humour as well as
Members of Form 5 volunteered to come in to school on a Saturday to help paint the set and backdrop for their upcoming musical, 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' which the children will perform over two nights in March.