News list

Last month, St John's College Choir hosted its first ever 'Cushion Concert' conducted by Director of Music, Mr Christopher Gray in the serene surroundings of the College Chapel. The free family-friendly concert included performances of engaging classical and crossover pop classics from Purcell's Sound the Trumpet to Gary Barlow's Sing, as well as the beautiful folk song, Shenandoah. The concert had a relaxed feel as families and children were encouraged to bring a cushion to sit right up
St John’s joined fellow schools to play in bicentenary celebration rugby matches at the birthplace of the sport - Rugby School. Two hundred years ago, in 1823, William Webb Ellis took the ball in his arms and ran with it on The Close at Rugby School; the game known as football subsequently became named rugby football and is now known globally as rugby. 
As part of their Enrichment Afternoon programme, the children in Forms 3 and 4 took part in 'The Big Draw Festival'. The Festival is a worldwide celebration of drawing which promotes the universal language of drawing as a tool for learning, expression and invention. This year the Festival focused on the five senses - touch, sight, sound, taste and smell, exploring the way we process the world and internalise our experiences through their senses. 
Before half term our two Kindergarten classes took a trip to Cambridge market in the centre of the city to buy some vegetables to make soup with back at School. Getting to the market involved a trip on our school minibus as well as a short walk past historic Colleges and well-known sites to reach the market stall. The cross-curricular trip was a real-life lesson in managing money, an adventure out of the School grounds, and a chance to learn about seasonal vegetables and cooking. 
The children in Forms 4 and 5 were treated to a captivating and often humorous adaptation of the Young Shakespeare Company’s touring production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
Form 1 embarked on an journey into the world of ancient Rome through an immersive Roman Day workshop with 'History Off the Page'. Transported back in time to a bustling Roman fort, the children were engrossed in a vivid recreation of life during that era and engaged in hands-on activities such as becoming lamp, leather and metals workers, wax tablet and mosaic workers, scribes, fresco painters, beauticians and charm makers. 
Form 4 visited Wandlebury Country Park, a 110-acre estate in the Gog Magog hills, just south of Cambridge. The children spent a whole day’s learning about the life of the inhabitants of the Iron Age. They had a guided tour of the site, learnt all about Wandlebury's past and what evidence has been found to show what it would have looked like in the Iron Age, including the hill fort complete with circular ditch.
Last week a group of our Year 8 children took part in the PowerHouse Games at the Cambridge University Sports Centre, which was organised and run by the charity Power2Inspire (Inclusion through Sport) with its founder, Mr John Willis.
'Foodbank Friday' is an aspect of our Harvest Festival celebrations that we are proud to be a part of at St John's. Our goal is not only to make a difference within our school walls but also in the lives of those beyond our community.
National Poetry Day is an annual celebration on the first Thursday of October that encourages everyone to make, experience and share poetry with family and friends. Each year St John’s pupils and staff come together to mark this day because we believe exploring topics through vehicle of poetry helps to broaden perspectives, see things from a different point of view and encourage empathy and compassion.